Fanny Brawne: Keats's 'Sweet Home' of Pleasure and Pain


  • Sayed Salahuddin Ahmed Stamford University Bangladesh



Fanny Brawny. Keaiis believed, to whom he yam betroi lied was a sower of bode pleasure and pain for him. Fanny lined Keats's mind with love and affection when he was going through physical. mental and enminiiir aiut Honcver. Krats's agonies were muliiplied by some misunderstandings about Fanny's dubious behavior and rumours that Fanny was a 'flirt' keats's agonies and frustration found vents in his loons and in letters that he wrote to different people including Fanny Brawne. This paper examines some of his poems and kiwis in an atiempt to find nut ihe extent of his feelings and passion for Fanny Brawne. It also includes comments of Keats's friends and critics on his love affair Mill Fanny Brawne.





How to Cite

Ahmed, S. S. . (2011). Fanny Brawne: Keats’s ’Sweet Home’ of Pleasure and Pain. East West Journal of Humanities, 1, 33–44.